Monday, February 7, 2011

Lots of great support

I sent out an email to my address book, requesting help with the HGTV's site. After one day I have 20 views and 17 ratings, as well as several very supportive comments. THANKS to all that voted, keep it up!

I applied to get HGTV'D today

I need help! I have been diagnosed with pulmonary Fibrosis, which is a terminal illness.

below is the email letter I am starting.
Please copy and send the email out to as many people as you can.

If you want to help me beyond just the email, subscribe to this blog, and I will keep in touch with what I am doing to try and get an income suite built on my home, so I won't have to move out...

Here is the email:

My name is Deborah Lawrence,
I have been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, which is a terminal illness. I am trying desperately to keep my home, but I need help...

HGTV has a show where they will come in and do a makeover. I am asking them to help build an income suite on my home. Here is where YOU can help. Can you forward this to your email list, and ask everyone to go to my site and give it a five star rating? Then forward it on to at least five others? If everyone would do this, I would get enough votes to have them help me....

Here is the link:

About my situation:

It has been almost a year since I filed for disability, and still no disability payments. It is amazing! I have one illness on the compassionate allowance list (pulmonary Fibrosis), another illness listed by name as being disabling (ankylosing Spondylitis), and a third listed by condition (severe edema) as disabling. Yet I have been denied twice by Social Security, without anyone from the government seeing me in a medical capacity. NOW, they have forced me to spend 25% of the back monies I will receive to pay an attorney. And this is compassion? My attorney has reviewed my documentation, and can't figure out why I was denied...What a warped system we have.

Before I got sick, I was running 2 businesses. a growing computer consulting company, and a small circuit training gym. Then, I was kicked in the teeth by the economy, AND the FDIC. The FDIC took over the bank that issued my SBA loan, and then held my SBA loan hostage for over a year. We did everything we could to keep the gym open. I approached 23 banks with a viable refinancing plan (with the blessing of the SBA), and got 23 "No's". We offered free unemployment passes, free Fit Teen summer passes, sponsored local sports teams, worked with local schools, and advertised on the radio. We worked very hard to be a part of the community, and we were very aggressive with our marketing, but the economy and the banks were against us.

In spite of all these troubles, at the time I got sick, we were very close to break even. I was able to supplement the gym's expenses with money from my consulting business, and keep it going. BUT, after I got sick, without my income from computer consulting, we had to close it. And along with the closing of the gym went my life's savings.

HGTV has a show where they will come in and do a makeover. BUT, I need help! Can you forward this to you email list, and ask everyone to go to my site and give it a five star rating? Then forward it on to at least five others? If everyone would do this, I would get enough votes to have them help me....

here is the link: